Roland Koski has researched a lot of homes and buildings in Negaunee over the years. He was able to locate an old file on addresses that he had put together regarding Iron Street. The Kirkwood Building was built in 1892 and the original entrance was actually facing Jackson Street across from City Hall. These addresses came from some of the Polk Directories that are on file at our museum. He has researched back to 1937 and his list goes to 1997. Addresses 324 thru 330 were sort of attached to each other and were part of the Kirkwood Block. The 326 address was used for occupants who resided upstairs. Over the years, the addresses might have changed a little with the new businesses. Remember, none of this is OFFICIAL
1937 Michigan Gas, Torreano’s Tavern, Variety Store
1939 Vacant, Neg Sporting Club, Variety Store
1941 Guizzetti Tavern – Torreano’s Bar, Neg Sporting Club, Variety Store
1945 Palomaki Tavern – Torreano’s Tavern, Fraternal order of Eagles, Variety Store
1948 Palomaki Tavern, Torreano’s Tavern, Variety Store
1950 Vacant, Torreano’s Tavern, Variety Store
1955 Tobin’s Tavern, Torreano’s Tavern, Symons Hardware
1957-59 Ty’s Bar, Torreano’s Tavern, Symons Hardware
1961 Herb’s Bar, Torreano’s Tavern, Symons Hardware
1965 Herb’s Bar, Torreano’s Tavern, Vacant
1966 Herb’s Bar, Torreano’s Tavern, Rosemary Shop
1968-70 Herb’s Bar, Torreano’s Tavern, Unique Shop
1976 Depot Tavern, Bob’s Bar, Vermillion Equip Co
1977 Depot Tavern, Rollie’s Bar, TW Maki Insurance
1980 Rollie’s Bar, Crystal Dining Room, Superior State Ins. Agency
1985 Rollie’s Bar, Crystal Dining Room, Bresnan Communications
1992 Rollie’s Bar, Crystal Dining Room, Vacant
1996 Don Henry’s Lounge, Don Henry’s Lounge, Vacant
1997 Kirkwood’s Café, Kirkwood Café, Vacant
April 29, 1892 The Kirkwood Block may add a third story for the Masonic Lodge as the new brick building gets underway. The drugstore will face Jackson St. The building will be completed in four months and the brick structure will separate wooden building on both sides, thus lowering fire rates on the block.
May 13, 1892 Negaunee shocked by the death of Charles Kirkwood, when he fell under a El. Street car just west of the Cyr St. crossing of the C&NW. at 11:00 p.m. Was standing at the front of the car and lost his balance. Had just purchased his brothers Negaunee drugstore and was on his way home to Ishpeming where he also had a drugstore. P.B. Kirkwood will take over the drugstores upon the death of Charles.
April 14, 1893 The old Kirkwood building will be moved from Kanter St. to Clark between Kanter and Pioneer St.
April 9, 1897 P. B. Kirkwood beat Samuel Mitchell by 151 votes to be Mayor of Negaunee.
July 27, 1907 Philip B Kirkwood died
How can we possibly know where we are going, if we don’t know where we’ve been? History matters because it often repeats itself and we can learn from this. It preserves our heritage for all who follow – here and in the future. History is important because it gives you an idea of where you came from and some pride in the people that came before. It also lets you know how they solved problems that are similar to the ones we’re struggling with now. We appreciate learning the background of all different aspects of our life, our town and our state. This knowledge helps us to understand were we started, to becoming what we are today and where we will go tomorrow. We find it interesting what happened in the past and we like to compare it to current events. Hopefully, this comparison can prevent mistakes of the past from occurring again.
We like seeing items that our grandparents had and remembering a bit of the past when we see them. Memories!! No cars, no lights, no television, no computers, and diseases that we weren’t even aware of takes us back in history. How did our grandparents and parents cope without all the luxuries? Take the time and look back at Negaunee during the past 150 years. Compare the living conditions of families then and realize how fortunate we are now. Imagine our style of life 25 years from today. Be prepared for the unexpected because it will sneak up on us before we actually realize “Why History Matters”.